Ladies and gentlemen,
Vampires and ladies vampire,
Slayers men and slayers women,
Ousters and... uh erm... ousters...
We have the IMMENSE pleasure to announce that from today on ALL CLANS have logos. (Woooow!)
If you have a clan without image, all you have to do is:
Full note:
It was a long-standing problem: when someone created a clan, it came up without a logo.
The only known solution (so far) was also a long-standing one: deleting all existing clans in order that the system was restarted and so everyone got logos again (until the images limit was reached again and ... well, you know the rest).
In mid-October 2012, we began tests and studies to enable logos distribution for ANY clan. Believing we had found the solution, and being proud about the result, we published in advance a note on Facebook (
Shortly after the news publication, we realized we had underestimated the problem and that it actually persisted. Since there were other urgent administration situations, we abandoned temporarily that issue.
Little did we know we had abandoned a job just a step from the effective solution...
Between December 2012 and January 2013, we took up again analyses and after much effort, research and work (and of course, being charged by our beloved players), we found the ideal solution we were looking for since a long time.
As everybody knew we did not want and didn't accept the idea of simply RESETTING clans.
It din't mean we were against resetting, but we did not believe it could be the only possible solution.
After all, it would be only a palliative for the problem would come back sometime later.
Goofy: Okay okay okay, enough with the bullshit, what is the situation now?
Well, now ALL existing clans will be MAINTAINED and will receive logos and the new clans, created from now on, will have the same opportunity.
Another challenge met, and we share this achievement with you.
EVERYONE who has a clan WITHOUT image must
The logo is chosen randomly and it can not be changed.
The following clans have already received their logos:
[lblue]C.C.V [Team] - Solid[/lblue]
[lblue]Genesis_loot - RonIl1ll[/lblue]
[lblue]REVENGE - Knightx[/lblue]
[lred]MALKAVIANOS - xETTOREx[/lred]
[lred]COMANDO AZUL - Almaa[/lred]
[lgreen]Flame - Funkeira[/lgreen]
[lgreen]Genesis Extreme - SoLFenix[/lgreen]